Office Christmas parties

The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: June 5, 2018
The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office

The Christmas spirit infects everything and it's clear that in the business world, there is no exception. During the month of December, people behave in a more friendly way with colleagues. It's an appropriate time to strengthen ties so all Christmas office activities should help to promote warmth and companionship. If you like the idea but don't know where to start, here are some of the best ideas to celebrate Christmas in the office.

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Steps to follow:


Firstly create an environment where everyone feels Christmassy. It's important to decorate the office with Christmas decorations. However, it's very important not to go over the top.

You can arrange for each department to make decorations out of recycled material. Here are some examples of handmade Christmas ornaments:

The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office - Step 1

No matter how small your office is, it's always a good idea to celebrate it with a meal or a Christmas dinner. This is a good opportunity to share experiences with employees outside of work and to celebrate their achievements throughout the past year. And don't forget to dress accordingly for the office party.

Prepare special games for the night to be fun, create a video with the best moments of people in the office or do some Christmas carol singing during the event.


Create a Secret Santa game where everyone in the office joins in. This will help employees to get to know each other better. It's a great idea for adding something different to their working day. There are plenty of gift exchange games that you can play if you're kind of bored with Secret Santa already.

The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office - Step 3

A fun idea for everyone to participate in and promote some healthy competition in the office is to hold a Christmas food competition. Each department or person has to create a Christmas dessert or dish and serve it to the other departments, the rest have a vote. The winning department could receive an interesting prize so as to encourage employees to work in teams.

The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office - Step 4

If you have a bigger budget, you can organize special activities for employees at Christmas through an events company. This could be a trip to the city outskirts, a weekend hiking trip or an afternoon at a spa. Some companies use these ideas to reward their employees for their work during the year.


Apart from promoting camaraderie and teamwork, the most important thing at this time of year is to highlight the company's achievements during the year that's coming to an end. Highlight all that's been made possible thanks to the work of each employee, keep that spirit of thankfulness in each activity and see how employees are more willing to participate. Make sure you have nice gestures towards your employees. Sometimes things as simple as creating a Christmas card with Instagram through your corporate account to say thanks to your workers will go a long way.


During the festive season the most important thing apart from promoting companionship and teamwork, is to highlight the successes that your company has achieved during the year, as it is only thanks to each of the people in the office's hard work so, make sure you keep a thankful spirit during each Christmas activity, you'll see how the employees are willing to take part.

If you want to read similar articles to The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office, we recommend you visit our Festivities & Celebrations category.


  • Plan ahead with any activities and remember that it may involve complicated dates where people may have their own personal plans.
  • If you're going to do any outdoor activity, contact the company responsible as soon as possible, as these may be popular dates and may fill up quickly.
  • The same applies if you go to book a restaurant for a meal, so book in good time.
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The Best Ideas to Celebrate Christmas in the Office