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How to Make Navratri Food

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: September 4, 2024
How to Make Navratri Food

Navratri is perhaps the holiest Hindu festival celebrated by Indians. This is a 9 nights long festival that is part of Shree Ram Navam, during which people worship nine different avatars of Durga, the Goddess of Power. Each avatar of the Goddess signifies a particular power, ranging from the power of wisdom and education to the power of wealth and good luck. Indians celebrate Navratris twice a year, once in the beginning of the autumn, and once in the beginning of the spring season. Both these are considered to be sacred times to worship any God. One way of showing devotion to the Goddess is to keep a fast for 9 days and nights. During this fast, people do not eat any passion inducing food, like onions, garlic, hot spices etc. There is a very limited variety of ingredients that you can use during Navratri fasts. Read this oneHOWTO article to know how to make Navratri food without using the prohibited ingredients. Here are a few ingredients that fasting people can use during this festival.

You may also be interested in: The Importance of Fasting During Navratri
  1. Aloo or potatoes
  2. Kuttu flour or buckwheat flour
  3. Falahar or fruits
  4. Vrat wale chawal or barnyard millet
  5. Sabudana or sago
  6. Rock salt

Aloo or potatoes

This is a common side dish that people usually accompany with kuttu rotis or puris. Aloo or potatoes are allowed to eat during Navratri fast. So, you can make a fried aloo sabzi by frying potatoes and mixing allowed spices in it. You can boil potatoes, cut or mash them, and mix ghee and rock salt to eat with curd or kuttu roti.

How to Make Navratri Food - Aloo or potatoes

Kuttu flour or buckwheat flour

Most grains are also not allowed during Navratri fasts. Kuttu flour is buckwheat flour that fasting people can eat. You can make rotis with this flour by kneading dough and making a roti on a hot tawa. You can also use this flour to make puris, pakodas or tikkis with this flour.

Falahar or fruits

Almost all fruits are allowed during Navratri fasts. As people are fasting, the food that they eat needs to be nutritious, healthy and energizing as well. What can be the better option than a fruit salad? You can take a wide variety of fruits, and cut as much as you can. Click here to know how to keep fruit salad fresh for longer, so that you don’t have to cut the fruits every time you want to eat.

How to Make Navratri Food - Falahar or fruits

Vrat wale chawal or barnyard millet

Normal white and brown rice are not allowed to eat during Navratri fasts. Indians use Barnyard millet as a replacement for rice, as it is filling and energizing. You can make a variety of rice dishes with this ingredient, including khichdi, kheer, pulao, tikki etc.

How to Make Navratri Food - Vrat wale chawal or barnyard millet

Sabudana or sago

Sabudana is sago that is allowed to be eaten during Navratri fasts. There is a variety of dishes that you can make with sago, including khichdi, tikki, pakodas, vada, kheer etc. You can boil, steam, fry or roast them, and make a variety of dishes as per your personal preferences. It is tasty as well as nutritious and filling at the same time. So, sabudana is one of the most popular ingredients used during Navratri fast.

How to Make Navratri Food - Sabudana or sago

Rock salt

Common salt is prohibited during Navratri fasts, just like most other spices. If you really want to add some taste to your dishes, you are allowed to add rock salt instead of common salt. It tastes almost the same as common salt, and allows you to enjoy your fasting food without making it tasteless and saltless.

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How to Make Navratri Food