Other International celebrations
Other international celebrations, you will find practical information written by experts about other international celebrations in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
7 articles

Carnival is a festival celebrated in many countries and regions of the world, typically in the days leading up to Lent, the time of fasting and penance in the Christian calendar. Known for its colorful parades, costumes, music and street parties, the festival is a time of joyful celebration and revelry....

While it will vary depending on where we live, when spring starts to arrive, we can often sense a change in our mood. Even if you don't have Mediterranean sun or completely clear skies, the pleasant days of spring can be a relief after a cold winter. Practically speaking, we also have more daylight hours....

medium difficulty
medium difficulty
Indians celebrate the nine days festival of Navratri with great pomp and show. Dandiya nights are the traditional ways of celebrating the Navratri in the state of Gujarat, but they are conducted in all parts of the country these days. On these nights, people dress up in traditional Indian attire and dance...

Annaprashan is a significant ritual in Indian culture, which literally means ‘starting the grain’. In this ceremony, a baby is introduced to solid food, which is usually done during the 6th to 8th month of a baby’s life. In some Indian states, this ceremony is performed in a temple, while others like...

Holi is the only festival in India where it doesn’t matter what you wear because at the end of the day you will come back home unrecognizable and splashed in myriad of color. But with passing day as colors are being laden with chemical we must decide properly what to wear so that we can save most of our...

On the 5th of November, People in the UK and other commonwealth countries celebrate Bonfire Night. This is a very popular night to mark the death of Guy Fawkes and as a way of remembering the gunpowder plot. The celebrations have become more and more elaborate as the years have passed.
People began...

Rakhi is the symbol of emotions attached with the festival. The emotions include those of affection, love and care between brother and sister. These sentiments matter the most on this day, and nothing can be a better expression of your sisterly love than a hand-made rakhi. When you make a rakhi for your...