Homemade fancy dress costumes

How To Make A 1980's Costume

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: December 4, 2024
How To Make A 1980's Costume

You need not be very observant to realise that fashions always have a come back, so there is no better time than now to make a perfect 1980's costume to look as if the clock had stopped. It is also an ideal look to celebrate Halloween or Carnival, without the need to spend too much money. In OneHowTo.com we give you the key to discover how to make a 1980's costume, with style photos included.

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Steps to follow:


Achieving the perfect 1980s costume is very simple as this decade was characterized as being colourful, varied and with very distinct styles. Because of this you can find several combinations that will suit your wardrobe.

Certainly the Cindy Lauper rocker look was one of the most popular. To imitate it you need a layered dress or skirt in a tutu stile, generous and colorful accessories (preferably fluorescent) ankle boots such as the Converse all stars brand or any other brand, pantyhose and a good rock wig in the style of this decade. You will get an amazing 80's costume without spending much money.

The key is to combine different accessories in crazy ways: wear mismatched earrings (crosses, feathers and long earrings), long and bulky necklaces, go for extreme make up that focuses on the eyes and, if you don't want to wear a wig and have long hair, put it up in a high pony tail at one side of your head, frizz it up with a comb and add some hairspray to make sure it sticks up.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 1
Image: estilo-in-diferente.com

Of course not all the girls dressed so radically, the more conservative also had their style as you see in the picture. This costume is so simple that you will surely have everything at home, you just need some black or bright colored leggings, a long shirt that is too big for you, some tights or high socks to use over the leggings and trainers in a style like those made by vans or victoria. Stir your hair, add a bandanna and if you find a pair of shoulder pads and a thick belt all the better. An 80's style that will be a sensation.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 2
Image: taringa.net

Jane Fonda's aerobics and exercise programs were a classic 1980's hit that are hilarious to imitate nowadays. You need a bodysuit, some colourful pantie tights, ankle warmers and if you want also a bandanna for your hair. Remember that the brighter the better, get into it and have some fun giving an aerobics lesson with this 1980's costume.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 3
Image: ellahoy.es

You can also imitate other styles like that of Madonna, more rock and many superimposed clothes. Do not forget the essentials of the 1980's: leggings, fluorescent clothing, shoulder pads, ankle boots and large and colourful plastic accessories.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 4
Image: pinterest.com

And men can also dress up in a 1980s costume. Remember that sporty look that was used in those years? The same one that made fluorescent colours a hit. Just rummage around the storage spaces in your home or at your friend's place and you will surely find an old tracksuit or a jacket to which you can add some colourful trousers, like the example you see in the image. Accompany with some Nike, Adidas or Reebok trainers and you will be ready for your costume party.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 5
Image: disfrazzes.com

If you have never been too into colors then it is a great idea to remember the great rockers of the 80's and dress up as one of them. A loose white t-shirt, black leather jacket, skinny jeans, ankle boots, Ray-Ban style glasses and a high comb hairstyle will make you look funny and without much effort like any modern guy from that decade.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 6
Image: picturesdepot.com

1980's jumpers were very characteristic, if you doubt just look at this super model of the time wearing it with pleasure. So if you have something like this at home you only have to combine it with skinny jeans and ankle boots to look like you are something out of 1986.

How To Make A 1980's Costume - Step 7
Image: 80sactual.com

As you see, to get an 80s costume which is fun and economical is quite simple. Therefore you should give it a go, wear this costume for a trip down memory lane and have a great time at the costume party.


There are many more costumes you can prepare yourself at home, find out in these OneHowTo article: how to make a 70s costume or how to make a Loofah costume.

If you want to read similar articles to How To Make A 1980's Costume, we recommend you visit our Festivities & Celebrations category.

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Image: estilo-in-diferente.com
Image: taringa.net
Image: ellahoy.es
Image: pinterest.com
Image: disfrazzes.com
Image: picturesdepot.com
Image: 80sactual.com
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How To Make A 1980's Costume