
How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations

By Sara . Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations

Halloween is the best time to bring out your inner creativity. Everything from dress to decoration of your home can be customized and spooky during this festival. If you want to give a personal touch to your home then instead of buying decorations from the shop you can make them by recycling old materials. Beside it will help you if you are on a budget. Keep reading this OneHowTo articles to know how to make recycled and cheap Halloween decorations.

You may also be interested in: DIY Halloween Party Decoration Ideas
  1. Witch Hat Lighting
  2. Licorice ghost holders
  3. Toilet roll monsters
  4. Guy Fawkes inspired decor

Witch Hat Lighting

Witch dresses are the most common costume during Halloween. The witch hat forms an integral part of this costume. On your next Halloween give the witch dress a rest. Instead, bring out the hats to light up your porch. You can make it by using some recycled black paper or cloth. Then attach a lightweight light stick inside each hat. Finally, hang these hats in your chosen place. People would be mesmerized to find glowing witch hats floating mid air in your home or porch.

To know how to make witch hats using paper, read this OneHowTo article.

How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations - Witch Hat Lighting
Image: polkadotchair

Licorice ghost holders

Halloween is the time for trick or treat. So, if your center piece is some ghost bottles holding licorices then it won’t be a surprise. Bring out the stock of abandoned glass bottles from the basement. Remove the caps. Paint these bottles with white paint. Then with black color, paint scary eyes and mouths on the bottles. Put some licorice in each bottle and place it in the center of the table. Let your guests enjoy the licorice while admiring the ghost bottles. If you'd like more DIY ghost Halloween decorations, you'll find them at OneHowTo.

How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations - Licorice ghost holders

Toilet roll monsters

This is one of the best options if you want to make recycled and cheap Halloween decorations. You just need to gather as many toilet rolls as monsters you need. Get your kids to draw a scary face and color it in with tempera paint. Let them dry and place them anywhere you fancy.

You can also make holes and put some thread through them to make a garland or create some spooky hair with some cotton wool dipped in green paint!

How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations - Toilet roll monsters

Guy Fawkes inspired decor

Do you celebrate Bonfire Night? if you do you'll know who Guy Fawkes was. Take advantage of the closeness of this holiday and make a Guy Fawkes for your Halloween decor. Fill some old pants you no longer used with balls of newspaper, do the same with an old jumper, making sure none of the paper balls sprout out of the head (sew the head hole if needed). Blow up a balloon and paint a face for a more realistic effect and even add a wig. Splatter it with blood to give it the perfect Halloween decor effect!

For more information, take a look at how to make a Guy Fawkes.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations, we recommend you visit our Festivities & Celebrations category.

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Image: polkadotchair
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How to Make Recycled and Cheap Halloween Decorations