Buying Christmas Gifts

What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas

Misty Thomas
By Misty Thomas. Updated: October 7, 2024
What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas

As much as we try, you can't schedule romantic feelings. The heart wants what it wants when it wants. If this means you're start dating a boy just before Christmas you have a decision to make: do I get him a gift? It may be so early in the relationship, it might make it look like you are a little too keen. If you don't get him anything and they get you something, they might be disappointed. The key is to get him something thoughtful, but without going overboard. If the relationship is going somewhere, you can leave the 'spending hundreds of bucks on them 'cos they're just so great' until next year. oneHOWTO has the perfect solutions for ideas on what to get a guy you just started dating for Christmas.

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  1. Considerations when buying a Christmas present for a new boyfriend
  2. Winter gear
  3. Buy a date
  4. T-shirt
  5. A night in
  6. Small gift ideas for a guy you have just started dating

Considerations when buying a Christmas present for a new boyfriend

If you recently have a new boyfriend, the trouble is you don't know how far you should go with buying a present. If you get something too expensive, you might end up scaring them off by getting too serious too soon. Worse yet, you could end up setting a precedent where every Valentine's Day, Labor Day or National Penguin Awareness Day[1] you have to get them something good. However, if you are super rich, then maybe pricing is all relative. If you're super rich anyway, we suggest you just hire someone to get the gift.

Fortunately, if you are at the early stages of a relationship, then you should be in the light hearted fun zone. This means you should be able to get something light hearted and fun. Something which is funny is better still, as a laugh is a new moment which should bring you together.

What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas - Considerations when buying a Christmas present for a new boyfriend

Winter gear

Depending on which part of the world you reside, Christmas is usually during winter. The cold weather can make holding hands with this new special someone a chilly experience. Some nice winter knit wear like a pair of gloves or a cosy hat could be a great idea. However, this level of cosiness might make it seem a little boring, which in turn might make you seem a little boring.

Make sure it is something trendy and not from the same shop your grandpa buys his slippers. You can even find out what his favorite band is and get some hat merch for a cool, small and appropriate Christmas gift.

What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas - Winter gear

Buy a date

You guys have only been going out for a little while, so you may not have established an etiquette for who's paying for dinner. Whatever your gender, it can be a little awkward working out who is going to foot the bill. Buying a dinner for the two of you not only removes this awkwardness, it gives you an experience you can have together and set this possible relationship off on the right foot.

Dinner isn't the only date you can buy for both of you. Tickets to a theatre show, music gig or even the cinema might be a good call. Plus, if you don't want to make a big deal out of a Christmas present, you could always make the date and casually say you are going to pay for it as an early or late Christmas present. It's a win win.

What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas - Buy a date


Getting to know someone's interests is a great way to get to know someone, so you'll probably be finding out info on this new special someone as you date. An added bonus when it comes to buying Christmas gifts for a guy you just met, is that you can use this info to your gift-giving advantage. If they are in to a particular band, sports team, celebrity, movie or pretty much anything in pop culture, you can get a T-shirt which is related to it.

This is not only sweet, but they will want to wear it and it can provide a chuckle. Plus, every time they wear it they might give a little positive thought to you.

What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas - T-shirt

A night in

While a date night is a great idea for a guy you just started dating, you might want to see if a night-in would be even better. You can make a nice meal, set the mood and set something up on Netflix. While this might seem like just a normal dinner and therefore doesn't count for a Christmas present, you can wear a Santa hat, have Christmassy food and put on a copy of Bad Santa. Plus, it's not the kind of gift you will need to hide.

What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas - A night in

Small gift ideas for a guy you have just started dating

With these ideas in mind when getting a Christmas present for your new boyfriend (fun, not over-the-top, etc.), here are some ways you can put this into practice:

  • A nice badge: going back to their favorite band or pop culture reference, a metal pin badge or sew on patch can be classy, cool and funny.
  • A book: you really can't go wrong with a good book (unless you're going out with someone who can't read - find that out first). Maybe even you're favorite so you can share something with him.
  • Booze: if they are a drinker, a nice bottle of wine, bourbon or whatever their favorite tipple is could be a good idea (again, find out first in case you make a faux pas).
  • Pocketknife: can be classy and useful, just like you.

These are just some ideas to get you started, so have a think and let us know in the comments what you will get someone you have just started dating. Something small and memorable is

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What To Get A Guy You Just Started Dating For Christmas